Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Boy! Has it been so long since I picked up my pen from the basket of love to write you this love letter... Lol! I am full of jokes, if I do say so myself.

But really though, it has been over a year since I last published a blog. I must say, I am quite embarrassed to admit that I have left my first love to suffer, while I have been busy chasing other interests. But as the saying goes, the first step to repentance is acceptance, and so, I accept that I have been less than faithful to my dutiful followers who saw the writer in me when I didn’t and who put up with my musings and comical posts. I am sorry if I do not say “I love You” often, because I really do.

As some of you may know, I have been busy trying to be a matchmaker and I have had a few successes under my belt, so yaasss, I am super proud of myself.

The Professional Singles Meet Platform was born out of a desire to see busy, single professionals -young and old alike- married according to God’s desire. This has kept me busy, physically, intellectually and even spiritually, (because people on my platform must network and connect for a worthwhile relationship by fire and by force, LOL!). Afterall, the holy Bible says, ‘the weapons of our warfare are not carnal’, so therefore some mighty Rabababa eh must take place.

Well, now that we are all caught up, be it quite briefly, I will like for you all to take a peep at the platform’s site and social media accounts to see the work I and my team have done and to encourage and drop suggestions where you can.

Thanks and God bless…

Yours (un) faithful blogger,

Jemimah-Nikky Jates

Facebook: Professional Singles Meet

Instagram: Singlesmeetng

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