Monday, 17 June 2013


This is a very sensitive issue that is pertinent in about every relationship. Because for some reason that women cannot fathom, men always lie to their women. Whether by ommission, commission or those little white lies that they think saying will save them from a litany of exchanged words with their spouse.
Here's one scenario.....

Girlfriend: Hey hon you didn't get back to me yesterday evening about our date, what happened?
Husband: Oh you know i had to complete the audit for the firm as we need to present account tomorrow.

When actually, boo was out having a drink with a young woman whom he is toasting.

Or in another scenario where he hits on your friend, and when you confront him, he denies and says she's cooking up stories to hurt you. But then another friend complains to you about your man again and still you swallow his lies hook-line-sinker?

Put morals and expected responses away and speak from your hearts.

Dear women, would you rather have your man lie to you in a guise to protect your feelings? *after all they say, what you don't know, won't hurt you*. Or would you rather have him tell you the truth even if it breaks ur heart? *Will the truth be enough to set him free?*

Would you honestly accept it if he were to tell you that he wasn't in love with you anymore? Prefering the sooner rather than later approach to life, or would you rather he kept living in pretense of loving you? Knowing that ultimately the lie will expire, when would you decide it is time to move on? Is it after d third abortion for him? Or after d second beating that landed you in d hospital? Or when he shags your entire clique of friends?

Let's share our opinions..........

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