Tuesday, 27 May 2014


In case you were wondering what the microwave generation is, it means youths, young people, adolescents; basically this internet “smart” age. The generation that wants everything and anything now! By virtue - the impatient, foot-tapping generation. 

Sex in time past was seen as the connecting of two people’s souls through their bodies. Something two consenting adults did with utmost exclusivity. However, it soon became one shared between people who believe they are in any of the various levels of relationship and/or love. 

Today though, it’s basically what everyone does. Even between people who do not like nor can stand each other. We young people are more and more confusing “infatuation” and “anger” with ‘love and passion’.  I know that some people are already raising their noses, looking for reasons to scoff this piece, and Yes, I know that it is a bitter pill to swallow but someone has got to say it. 

We spend a whole lot of time talking about sex, watching images which portray sex and viewing media with sexual underlying and we expect sex not to permeate every aspect of our lives? Let’s be real, the more you expose your mind to something, the more your thoughts easily churns it and then it translates to all that preoccupies your mind and gradually all you want to do. Don’t forget the proliferation of abhorring stories that trend in the news of teachers who molest the young minors put under their charge.

Or the increasingly disturbing matter of we young people who no longer care about developing ourselves mentally, socially, culturally or emotionally but are quick to brag about our sexual prowess. Viable discussions between a man and a woman that could lead into decent personal and or business relationships very easily segue into matters of sexuality. After, the basic introductions of “what’s your name?” (And in cases where your name doesn’t easily give away where you hail from, they ask) “what state are you from?” it switches to “what is the craziest sexual thing you have ever done?”

Educational background, moral dispositions, plans for the future, and the likes take last place in such discussions. And we wonder why we are aren’t very progressive despite the wealth of human resources? 

Social media isn’t helping. People who could never garner up courage to approach you in real life will bombard your inbox with incessant solicitations for sex. “Send me a sexy pic of yourself” or “I have been noticing your profile and I really want to get to know you better, can you come to my house?” Or like the young man who attempted to break into the female locker room where i and a friend were in at a public pool 2 weeks ago! Well that's a story for another day, but this makes one wonder how such people were raised; by a pack of crazy, randy dogs? 

This brings me to the matter of parenting. It pains me so much that parents aren’t doing their job as well as twas done in time past. Your child/ward comes home on vacation from school and you allow them entertain friends from the opposite sex in their rooms, unchecked, un-chaperoned! Parents buy their young children provocative clothes and are always eager to comment on how well their daughters’ boobs and buttocks are developing. Do not think this farfetched; I am sure some of us have met parents like that. 

Gone are the days when our mothers will scream their teenage children’s heads off if they wore a dress which exposes their breasts. Now, all in the name of “modernity” parents condone wanton behaviors from their children. Some even defend themselves by saying, “its better they do it in front of us other than do it behind our backs”. But the thing is they will have no idea if what they are doing is wrong. If you hammer in the negatives I can tell you positively that they will lean towards what’s right, if only to please their parents. And if they try to prove headstrong, please give that “old time koboko reset” a trial. When done with love, it never did kill anyone.

If you have a reason to be cynical please go on by all means. Though God forbid that I should assume a sanctimonious position, nor take a ‘Holier-Than-Thou’ stance, but some things just bear saying. We have to learn to re-prioritize and besides if we can’t be blunt with ourselves, who will we be honest with? 

This is my own 2 kobo.
Happy Children’s Day to all the young ‘uns out there. 

May they grow to be great leaders of tomorrow.

Please don’t forget to say a prayer for the children captured by Boko Haram… And for these few who have escaped, for healing and renewed strength. #BringBackOurGirls #HealOurLand

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The children of 'tomorrow' are nurtured by the parents of today. When we see a decadent society with moral-less children/ young adults, the simple fact is were they nurtured in the 'right'way.

What we owe the future is to ensure the children/ wards in our care today are well nurtured inspite of the world's negative 'trends'. YES - we can choose to be different (with proper morals) without losing our dignity and or relevance.