Any resemblance of characters in my blog to real life, whether of persons, objects, or circumstances are purely coincidental. Also, try as much as you can not to use contents of this blog to judge my persona, well its not like i care anyway. For the sake of your psychological health, take everytthing on face value. This is because alot of crazy things may be spewed here that can turn even the most stoic into locos and may even depress some -__- . You should just enjoy the read and you could even pick up a few things that will help. *that being detrimental to you ofcourse*. The lot of sane things here will most likely to have been written by Jemimah. However, any inhibition you may have as regards the use of profanity in this blog is purely the fault of Nikky. She is my co-blogger and as others may well know "my alter-ego". Therefore any and all complaints should be forwarded to her desk. And to tell you the truth, she usually doesn't give a hoot. So you might like to do yourself a favour and ignore anything that may offend you.
My Cupid Helpers
Every single girl/lady from age 18 who has attained an A-level must have been put under a "when will you marry search light" every once in a while. Funny enough, it is rarely our own mothers who breathe down our necks with such inquisitions, but mostly distant aunts and cousins who have probably not known jack about your life since you were 5yrs old.
Gone were d 90's where a lady wasn't roped into marriage talks until she is approaching the big 3 "0". That was the era most of us saw our aunts and elder siblings grow up in, so had fashioned our lives to getting married at our late 20s. This proves constantly changing these days for many reasons.
One, our childhood friends are married, some just tied the knot and some have 2 kids before their 23rd birthday. Now our parents + parent figures feel they are duty bound to get their own kids wedded off.
Couple of days ago, my late father's sister whom i hadn't seen for over 17years came visiting. She had felt guilty about staying away from my siblings and i for so long. Not like i am one for a reunion or anything, but i felt since her visit was to born out of guilt, i thought i could atleast be friendly enough to her. After i had endured the whole semi-apologies/catching up, i needed to got away from all that, so i snuck off to my room, turned on my music loud and was bobbing my head to my favourite rock band.
Dear aunt felt she had gisted enough with my other siblings and so she knocked on my door. In retrospect now, i wish i had faked being asleep to avoid any conversation. Instead i let her come in with plans to quickly exchange light conversation and dismiss myself. Unfortunately for me, after what seemed like a sentence of honest conversation she went straight to the matter that really did bring her to my room.
She goes, "erm baby, so now you are through with university right?" i replied in the affirmative. And then she goes "Tor, saura aure ko?" (meaning - "all that is left is to get married right?") To that i gave a fake half laugh that many people attribute to me being uninterested in a discussion. Obviously she didnt get it, and she went on and on about the importance of getting married as soon as possible.... (as if she was one to talk to me about anything, she being absent through my formative life and beyond). Through all her talking though, i nodded, half-smiled and faked interest, until i couldn't fake it anymore. I had to lie that i had a headache and needed to get some sleep before she excused herself.
Similarly, my friend's mother recently bought her a gold earring set with hopes that she wears it at her introduction! Mind you she and her beau haven't even taken d "serious/exclusive relationship" step yet. With this push from her mom now she has to start mildly pushing boo towards that decision.
The other day, a married friend of mine gave a friend of hers my pin + number, openly trying to hook us up (by the way, did I mention she did so without my permission?) When I berrated her she dismissed it flippantly, In her words, "well its not like you are married nor have a serious boy friend, so just try dating him, you will like him". Last time I checked I never told her I needed help getting guys, nor did I insinuate that I wasn't seeing anyone. But to her, so far as I haven't told her "hey chic, dis is d guy I wanna marry" that means I'm very available.
Having always been one who keeps my personal life quiet, I would expect her to know that i never say a personal thing without being very sure first, and for that, to respect my privacy act. But I guess to some people hushing up means I'm desperate& probably too depressed to talk about it.
Not like the thoughts of our dear cupid helpers are necessarily wrong. But its just that sometimes they should let us do things at our own pace. And if you "must" interfere, please let it come in a form of prayer to God anytime you kneel to pray.
Buenos Dias!
Salut amigos
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