Any resemblance of characters in my blog to real life, whether of persons, objects, or circumstances are purely coincidental. Also, try as much as you can not to use contents of this blog to judge my persona, well its not like i care anyway. For the sake of your psychological health, take everytthing on face value. This is because alot of crazy things may be spewed here that can turn even the most stoic into locos and may even depress some -__- . You should just enjoy the read and you could even pick up a few things that will help. *that being detrimental to you ofcourse*. The lot of sane things here will most likely to have been written by Jemimah. However, any inhibition you may have as regards the use of profanity in this blog is purely the fault of Nikky. She is my co-blogger and as others may well know "my alter-ego". Therefore any and all complaints should be forwarded to her desk. And to tell you the truth, she usually doesn't give a hoot. So you might like to do yourself a favour and ignore anything that may offend you.
My name is Keren and i'll be 22 years old in December. I had always been a late bloom child. Sort of like the ugly duckling who only became a lovely swan long after his peers.
Growing up in a typical Nigerian home, in a typical Nigerian society, with typical Christain Northern parents + adults around me had its perks. Trust our ancient parents whose idea of fun was to match make their kids. Probably twas all a joke, and probably in a little corner of their hearts they hoped their kids will grow to marry each other someday, so the family's ties could be knotted forever. For as early as i can remember, everyone teased me and called me TY's wife. I was probably 5 or 6 at that time and i was very embarrassed! I will wail and run into any room and hide under the bed anytime TY and his family came over to visit. And trust boy kids, he will embark on a search campaign to find me and drag me out to the parlour. He seemed to really enjoy being "mijin keren".
One thing you should know was that I was never a shy girl. I sang at the children's church choir and was always at the front row. (In retrospect, i dont think they let me stand there because i had a good voice, its most likely because i was just knee high + i had a tendency of bringing down the house if i didn't get what i wanted). Besides that, i was always at every debate and literary function in school. But for some strange reason, i never liked the whole match-making thing.
Maybe, that should have warned me that i was probably building an apathy towards friendships and all that, because as i grew up i really didn't like boys. That was partly because i went to a girls school through out my secondary education. And also because it was frowned at if you had many male friends, as you were easily tagged "a loose girl". And for a teenage girl in secondary that was a huge insult. The fact that i didn't mature early also played a huge part. Guys only "toasted" the girls who were "grown". By that i mean, girls with developed boobies. As for me i was just poor ol' tiny winny black Keren. At age nine a couple of girls in school already had boyfriends and were overly pleased to show it off, while i was forming Tomboy and busy still playing "hide and seek" with match made boyfriends.
When i started "growing up", i would cover myself in Baggy trousers to hide a rather fine body that was forming. Unknowingly, i was passing off the wrong signals. Guys who liked me thought i would never like them back and so never bolstered enough courage to ask me out, even as i grew older.
It wasn't totally a bad situation though, because while other girls were more bothered about their appearances and such, i focused my entire energy into my books. That, did reap good fruits somewhere along the line. But as a hausa adage goes "ko wata gauta jah ne, sai dai bata sha rana ba", when it was time to blossom, the Rose (that is ME) really did bloom. An awareness of my feminity(which i never knew existed) continuosly bloomed like a big red rose flower.
Then i got all the attention i had missed out on + had a better standing, as all those years of burying myself in books and novels paid off. I wasn't only just a beauty, but one with even more brains.
Enjoy your day!
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