Wednesday, 5 September 2012



Consistently having to write a disclaimer is beginning to become mundane, redundant and increasingly boring. However, for the sake of my rather empty bank account i am forced to do so, in any event that a disgruntled person may decide to "try to" sue -___-. So here we go....
Certain people close to me may be quoted in this blog (with their permission ofcourse), in such cases they will be duly attributed. In any case where there be any resemblance of characters in my blog to real life, whether of persons, objects, or circumstances besides the ones i attribute to are purely coincidental. You should try not to be too critical to matters of this blog post. Just enjoy the read and you could even pick up a few things that will help. *i cant assure you though that none will be detrimental to you ofcourse*. The lot of sane things here will most likely to have been written by Jemimah. However, any inhibition you may have as regards the use of profanity in this blog is purely the fault of Nikky. She is my co-blogger and as others may well know "my alter-ego". Therefore any and all complaints should be forwarded to her desk. And to tell you the truth, she usually doesn't give a hoot. So you might like to do yourself a favour and ignore anything that may offend you.


Growing up in a large family had its upside and alotta downsides trust me. The upside was swell as there were always elder siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles to help take care of me. Do my laundry, take me to school, cook my meals and so on. The downsides were never noticed until many years later.

Having spent most of my years away in boarding school from JSS1 to University, i had never been home for more than 2 months at a time. Upon graduation from Uni was when i began to get antsy by the amount of people living in my house. Though many had gone to get married and start their families, many more had come to live with us to replace them.

It makes the house seem like a constant market place. A beehive of activity and constant frustration. Where you keep an item is never where you will return to find it. And as common with all big households no one will ever admit to moving it away to another location. So it seems like besides the gazillion house members their also seemingly exists some ghosts who move around undoing everything that everyone does.

Growing up in such a house teaches one to be accomodating and open to provide room and board to anyone who is in need. This though a good lesson could be uncomfortable as everyone in the house is free to invite a friend who is in town and needs a place to crash for a couple of days (and as normal with africans, that translates to weeks un-end)

Now that puts the entire family (i actually mean ME) in a fix. Though i am a people person, i really do greatly crave my own space. i am one of those weirdos who on days i am home, could stay inside my room through out the day without stepping out. I enjoy my company so much i donot like being forced to share my little space with anyone.

But then the family must have guests, and when they do come they are to share my room with me and that just gnaws at me. I have had my own fair share of annoying guests and a couple of fun ones. Ranging from the ones who "jarumpa" (that is toss and turn and flay their arms and legs uncontrollably) to those who help out greatly in house chores.
It is usually the "jarumpa" filled ones that pose the highest threat to my sanity. They give me such a heavy thrashing at night that i wake up with body pain and i am forced to catch up on the lost sleep at work. Now that is very unhealthy.

During my formative years i really wanted to have a large family for myself. Actually, anyone who is close to me know that i would want to have 6 children. But now, my orientation really has changed. For the sake of any kid of mine who will have my attitude, i pray to God for just two, as this will provide everyone with enough personal space. When there is so much money, i could adopt other kids each with his/her own quarters so they dont bump into each with every turn they make.

Now that all is said and i am done purging my heart out, i am going back to work before my boss notices that i am using office time and resources to update my blog. And on the matter of my boss, i should blog our interesting office relationship soon.

Adious Amigos


Unknown said...

Good writter, organised, so descriptive, interesting facts but mostly true and funny.Couldnt stop Grinning. But i think i have to remind u...u forgot to mention the food type of commotion. wen there is little or no food or wen one person doesnt eat on time or plans to eat later....we also hae those crashers who after they claim they'll stay one 9t & turns it 2 one month olus and after they're gon they speak ill of the fact u have said it all. Keep it comin...cant wait to hear of ur boss.

slash said...

I myself used to like the idea of a full house,given d fact that I am d last child of six children(including auntyzzznuncles,their friends nd friend's relatives)buh becoming an adult nd a working class lady,makes me treasure my alone tym and the peace that comes with loving your wrie-ups as expected.PS.I hate sharing my toilet with

slash said...

Soothes a stressfulday

Jemimah-Nikky Jates said...

phewww. someone who understands! my toilet is sacred to me. but most importantly that alone time when u get to unwind after work and sort out ur thoughts is heavenly.anyone who infringes on that quiet time of mine usually meets a huge dose of bad ass attitude from me. LOL. Thanx for ur contribution.